Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Who Am I Suppose to Present My Data to?

Wednesday, March 25, 2009 4

Now that I am done with my data analysis toolbox I need to start looking for someone to present my data to. Since my topic is about tourists, I think I should present my project to the people at the New Orleans Tourist Bureau. So what I did is that I use the Google search engine to find out who is on the staff for New Orleans Tourist Bureau. Well I find out the real name of this tourist bureau is New Orleans: The Convention and Visitors Bureau. I scroll down the main page to find the contact information. I was surprised about the list of people that is on the contact information page. Here is the site link So I scroll down and found the tourism section. This is just what I am looking for. There is an email address for tourism marketing, and there is also phone numbers and email addresses of the sales managers and vice president of tourism. What fine luck! It was not that hard for me to find someone to present my information. Now my only problem is that if they would come to see my presentation. I hope they do because I worked really hard on it. Also, my information will be very useful to them because it is about tourists. They could use my information to find out where they should advertise more about New Orleans. My project could go on to great length as it may be able to help bring in more businesses for New Orleans during a bad economy time.

I also would like to present my information to the Times-Picayune. My information would either be in the Living or Travel section of the newspaper since it is about New Orleans tourism. So I went to to find out the contact information for the Times-Picayune. It took me a while to find it, but I was able to find a toll-free number for the Times-Picayune My article in the newspaper will be able how New Orleans is like a cultural gumbo. New Orleans is like a cultural gumbo because of the tourists. My project will prove that tourists come from all over the world to New Orleans. So this mean that New Orleanians can learn about other cultures right in their own hometown. I am so excited about my project. I really hope that these people mentioned above will come to see my presentation.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Data Analysis Toolbox Revised

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 0

So I have been working on my data analysis toolbox. There is a few more changes I made to it. These changes include talking about how New Orleanians could have a taste of the world right from their hometown. New Orleanians are always talking about going somewhere else to learn about other cultures. But a lot of people from other cultures come to New Orleans. New Orleans is like a cultural gumbo. So if New Orleanians go to downtown New Orleans and talk to the tourists, they could have a taste of many different cultures right from the own hometown. Other changes I made include adding another bias. I already have two biased; time and reliability. The other bias that my math teacher suggested I added is events. People come to New Orleans for different reasons. Some come just for fun and some come for business reasons. I also added how I am going to use Google map to calculate the number of miles away from New Orleans people come from. We also talked about how I can make a raised histogram of the United States dividing it into regions. I already planned to make a histogram and a box plot so that will be just fine. All of these things really help improve my project. My project now is going to be so awesome.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Data Collection

Thursday, March 19, 2009 4

I am still in the process of collecting my data. I have collected a lot of data. I think I have collected about three hundred people already. There is one thing I did different last weekend then I did the previous weekends. I ask where my customers are from city and state. Before I just ask what state they are from, but now I also ask what city. By doing this I can be more precise in my data collection. Since I have to calculate the number of miles by using this information, I want to be as precise as possible. This project have really help me to get to know my customers better.

Changes Made in My Data Analysis Toolbox

Ms. Blanchet, my statistic teacher, have just give us back our Data Analysis Toolbox paper. On my paper, Ms. Blanchet told me I need to add interpretations, inferences, and graphs. So I made a lot of changes to my paper. My paper went from about half a page to more than a page. The first thing I did is that I put my data analysis toolbox in an outline form instead of paragraph form. I also include a section about how the information will be presented. I will give the five-number summary for my data. I will present my information with a histogram and a box plot. I will also include the mean, standard deviation, and outliers (if there is any) for my data. Also, a one-sample t test will be used to infer about the population of tourists. I decided to use a one-sample t test because I have no information on the population, and I have an unknown standard deviation. The t test gives me more variability than a z test, which is just what I needed. Also, at the end I included the question for my project. “How far is one willing to travel to downtown New Orleans?” This website here really helps me with my data analysis toolbox. It gives me a lot of information about “What is Statistical Analysis?” So according to this website there is four steps for “studying a problem through the use of statistical data analysis. Step One is defining the problem. Step Two is collecting the data. Step Three is analyzing the data and Step Four is reporting the results. So with my data analysis toolbox I am basically finished with Step One and Step Three. I am currently working on Step Two. Hopefully, I will be done with Step Two soon.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Pi Day

Friday, March 13, 2009 0

Since we have been preparing for our annual Pi Day, we were not able to blog. But anywho,


Friday, March 6, 2009

Rubric Feedback

Friday, March 6, 2009 0

I was browsing through lots of blogs today. Most of the blogs I browse through was in a different language, so I didn’t quite understand what it is about. Luckily, I found a blog that was quite interesting. This is the link This blog is about green transport and energy. It talks about hybrid cars. It also talks about ways one could make their cars “greener” for the environment. It also have a lot of statistics in there. What I really like about this blog is that it has pictures and data that are related to its subject. The pictures were not random. The pictures help the readers to easily visualize what is being discussed in the blog. So in the rubric, I recommend that there should be something about not just posting random pictures for the heck of it. The pictures need to be related to the subject at hand. If the pictures used are visually interesting, then there will get all the points for awesome pictures.

Also, the blog rubric should includes such things as turning things on time, the number of words require in each blogs, and content. The blogs cannot be totally random. The blogs need to be about the progress of each student’s project. These blogs should be detailed enough so that the reader will know what the student is currently doing. Also, if student do more than expected, then they will be able to receive a higher score or extra points. Also there should include some data about their project in their blogs. In this way the teacher can be sure that the students are doing what they are suppose to be doing and not making things up. Also, the rubric should be very precise in what the teacher wants to see in the blogs of her student.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Yay! I reached about 200 customers!!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009 0
So over the weekend I was able to ask about another 100 customers where they are from. I got customers from all over the United States from Washington D.C. to California. There were also customers from Singapore, Japan, Taiwan, and Canada! It was an awesome experience. It also help me by being more friendly with my customers, giving a better and caring customer service.
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