Now that I am done with my data analysis toolbox I need to start looking for som
eone to present my data to. Since my topic is about tourists, I think I should present my project to the people at the New Orleans Tourist Bureau. So what I did is that I use the Google search engine to find out who is on the staff for New Orleans Tourist Bureau. Well I find out the real name of this tourist bureau is New Orleans: The Convention and Visitors Bureau. I scroll down the main page to find the contact information. I was surprised about the list of people that is on the contact information page. Here is the site link So I scroll down and found the tourism section. This is just what I am looking for. There is an email address for tourism marketing, and there is also phone numbers and email addresses of the sales managers and vice president of tourism. What fine luck! It was not that hard for me to find someone to present my information. Now my only problem is that if they would come to see my presentation. I hope they do because I worked really hard on it. Also, my information will be very useful to them because it is about tourists. They could use my information to find out where they should advertise more about New Orleans. My project could go on to great length as it may be able to help bring in more businesses for New Orleans during a bad economy time.
I also would like to present my information to the Times-Picayune. My information would either be in the Living or Travel section of the newspaper since it is about New Orleans tourism. So I went to to find out the contact information for the Times-Picayune. It took me a while to find it, but I was able to find a toll-free number for the Times-Picayune My article in the newspaper will be able how New Orleans is like a cultural gumbo. New Orleans is like a cultural gumbo because of the tourists. My project will prove that tourists come from all over the world to New Orleans. So this mean that New Orleanians can learn about other cultures right in their own hometown. I am so excited about my project. I really hope that these people mentioned above will come to see my presentation.
Great Post! I really liked how you included the certain media groups that you were trying to contact. I really like that you found the New Orleans CVB website, because I feel they would greatly appreciate your project. Nice find.
ReplyDeletePresenting your data to the Convention and Visitors Bureau is a great idea. They will be very interested in your project, and there is now way that they would turn you down. Presenting in two outlets is also a good idea. Try to get your data in a place where everyone can see. Good post.
ReplyDeleteWhat a lucky find indeed with that first link. I'm pretty sure getting your project into the media will show that New Orleans is still gets tourists from all over the country. Like Albert said, getting two outlets for your project will surely reach a broad audience.
ReplyDeleteI think it's great that you put so much thought into who will be viewing your data. It will most likely make the gathering process easier, as well as what you will do with the data afterward.