Thursday, March 19, 2009

Data Collection

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I am still in the process of collecting my data. I have collected a lot of data. I think I have collected about three hundred people already. There is one thing I did different last weekend then I did the previous weekends. I ask where my customers are from city and state. Before I just ask what state they are from, but now I also ask what city. By doing this I can be more precise in my data collection. Since I have to calculate the number of miles by using this information, I want to be as precise as possible. This project have really help me to get to know my customers better.


  1. Good job, keep up the good work. It seems you a little ahead of schedule with the amount of people you have surveyed already. I know I haven't started collecting data yet!

  2. Like Mr. Folse said, "good job." But since you change how you collected the data, it is going to interfere the results. I suggest to you return to the old method or continue with the new way and throw away the old ones. I think the new way is better and it won't be hard to collect your data again.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. So I have a question. After you revised your data analysis toolbox, which pieces of data are you going to keep and are you going to disgard the unnecessary data or still include that in your final interpretation somewhere?


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