Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Too many data!!!!

I finally finish entering my data into Excel, and it was very time-consuming. It took me about 3 hours to enter 300 data. It was so time consuming because for each city on my list I have to use Google map to find out how far it is from
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Analyzing Data
Now I am ready to analyze my data. First of all I need to gather all my data into one pile, since I have it all over the place. Then I have to spend hours upon hours trying to calculate the distance in miles each place is from e the miles. After that I have to put all of my data into Excel. This, too, will be a time consuming process. I will have two columns; one column will have the number of miles, and the other column will be the number of people. After that I will have to arrange the data in ascending order by miles. This is an extremely easy process because all I have to do is click a button and voila the data will be in ascending order by miles. Then I have to figure out how I was going to make a box plot. Well I figure out that making a box plot in Excel is very complicated. So I use this website to help me in my process with making a box plot. This interactive box plot really helps simplify the process of making one. All I have to do is copy and paste the data into this, and tada I got me a box plot that can identify outliers. Another graph I need to do is a histogram. I have learned how to make a histogram in Excel before so it will not be too hard. The only problem I might have is figuring the scale for my category. I want to use a scale that seems appropriate to my data and does not significantly skew my data. I also want a scale that will make my data have a Normal distribution. However I am thinking that I might have to exclude outliers so that my data have a Normal distribution. I will probably encounter a lot of problem with analyzing my data, but I will try my best to do what I want to do.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Data Collection?
I am already done with my data collection. I had asked about 300 people what city and state they are from. I got people from around the ution. This website also talked about removing outliers because outliers can greatly affect the distribution of a data set. This website also talks about the significant and confidence test and what it is used for. There is also a very interesting section in this website called Kind of Lies: Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics. When I started taking AP Statistics, we have to read a book called How to Lie with Statistics by Darrell Huff. It was a very interesting book and it taught me how to look at statistical facts more closely than I did before. Well this website gave examples of “statistical lies” and it helped remind me that I should not do this in my data analysis. I am planning to do a box plot, a histogram, and a one-sample T test. I am also planning to give the five-number summary, the outliers, the mean, and the standard deviation of my data. I hope that my data analysis will helped people be able to understand my data more.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Who Am I Suppose to Present My Data to?
Now that I am done with my data analysis toolbox I need to start looking for someone to present my data to. Since my topic is about tourists, I think I should present my project to the people at the New Orleans Tourist Bureau. So what I did is that I use the Google search engine to find out who is on the staff for New Orleans Tourist Bureau. Well I find out the real name of this tourist bureau is
I also would like to present my information to the Times-Picayune. My information would either be in the Living or Travel section of the newspaper since it is about
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Data Analysis Toolbox Revised
So I have been working on my data analysis toolbox. There is a few more changes I made to it. These changes include talking about how New Orleanians could have a taste of the world right from their hometown. New Orleanians are always talking about going somewhere else to learn about other cultures. But a lot of people from other cultures come to
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Data Collection
I am still in the process of collecting my data. I have collected a lot of data. I think I have collected about three hundred people already. There is one thing I did different last weekend then I did the previous weekends. I ask where my customers are from city and state. Before I just ask what state they are from, but now I also ask what city. By doing this I can be more precise in my data collection. Since I have to calculate the number of miles by using this information, I want to be as precise as possible. This project have really help me to get to know my customers better.
Changes Made in My Data Analysis Toolbox

Friday, March 13, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Rubric Feedback

I was browsing through lots of blogs today. Most of the blogs I browse through was in a different language, so I didn’t quite understand what it is about. Luckily, I found a blog that was quite interesting. This is the link This blog is about green transport and energy. It talks about hybrid cars. It also talks about ways one could make their cars “greener” for the environment. It also have a lot of statistics in there. What I really like about this blog is that it has pictures and data that are related to its subject. The pictures were not random. The pictures help the readers to easily visualize what is being discussed in the blog. So in the rubric, I recommend that there should be something about not just posting random pictures for the heck of it. The pictures need to be related to the subject at hand. If the pictures used are visually interesting, then there will get all the points for awesome pictures.
Also, the blog rubric should includes such things as turning things on time, the number of words require in each blogs, and content. The blogs cannot be totally random. The blogs need to be about the progress of each student’s project. These blogs should be detailed enough so that the reader will know what the student is currently doing. Also, if student do more than expected, then they will be able to receive a higher score or extra points. Also there should include some data about their project in their blogs. In this way the teacher can be sure that the students are doing what they are suppose to be doing and not making things up. Also, the rubric should be very precise in what the teacher wants to see in the blogs of her student.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Yay! I reached about 200 customers!!!!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Data Analysis Toolbox

One particular problem with my data is its reliability. Even though I will have quite a large sample, my sample is not large enough compared to the amount of people that comes into New Orleans. There are thousands of customers that come into Cafe Du Monde every day. So I try to get as many people as possible and hope that my data will be representative enough. Also, my data is not yearlong. Different people come at different times. For example, when there is a big football game, there is a lot of people coming from the states of the football teams. So that there is one biased data. Also depending on what events going on, there are different people coming to each of the events. So I just hope that the data I gathered will not be too biased.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Experimental Design

Objective: To find out about where most tourists come from.
Subjects: The customers at Cafe du Monde downtown. I will survey as many people as I could, especially during the Mardi Gras holidays.
Materials: Notepad
Procedure: I will ask as many customers, hopefully more than 200 customers, where they come from. I will ask them if they knows how many miles is where they are from is from New Orleans. Then I will put it in Excel to graph it.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
How far do people travel to New Orleans?